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Driving Action: Action-Oriented WhatsApp Marketing Message Examples to Boost Engagement

Can you send promotional messages through WhatsApp? It’s a common question that arises when considering the platform for marketing products or services. WhatsApp has always prioritized meeting user expectations. Since the introduction of the business version in 2018, businesses were only allowed to send pre-approved template messages of a transactional nature to customers who have opted in. This measure was put in place to prevent businesses from spamming customers with irrelevant content.

So, what is WhatsApp Marketing message? In September 2021, WhatsApp introduced a new feature that enables businesses to send promotional messages to customers who have given their consent to receive updates. This means that with access to the WhatsApp Business Platform, you can send messages containing promotional offers, discounts, abandoned cart reminders, product launch announcements, and more.

WhatsApp marketing message offers several benefits for your business. They allow you to attract new customers, showcase your products to your target audience, increase engagement levels, boost conversion numbers, and provide support.

To leverage WhatsApp effectively for your business, here are some key strategies:

1. Conduct thorough target audience research:

With over 2 billion active users, there’s a good chance your target audience uses WhatsApp. To create persuasive marketing campaigns and messages, it’s important to invest in understanding how and when customers use the app, as well as their buying habits. This knowledge will enable you to tailor WhatsApp promotional messages and campaigns that resonate with them.

2. Embrace unconventional thinking:

The competition on WhatsApp is fierce, with numerous brands competing for customer attention. To stand out, you need to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas. Analyze what your competitors have done to promote their products, learning from their successes and failures.

3. Sign up for the WhatsApp Business API:

The best way to promote your business on WhatsApp is by accessing the WhatsApp Business Platform. It not only serves as an excellent communication tool but also provides essential features for successful marketing efforts. These features include WhatsApp template messages, bulk automated campaigns, third-party integrations, quick replies, and WhatsApp catalogs. With the WhatsApp Business API, you can effortlessly reach thousands of opted-in customers, resolve queries instantly, and offer exceptional customer service.

Now, let’s explore the key benefits of sending WhatsApp marketing messages:

1) Drive Conversions:

WhatsApp promotional messages offer various ways to boost conversions, such as sending messages about special offers or discounts, creating automated flows to answer customer questions, or using WhatsApp for order placements. For example, you can notify customers about exclusive deals through WhatsApp, effectively increasing sales and revenue.

2) High Open and Read Rates:

WhatsApp messages boast incredibly high open rates of 98%, far surpassing email’s 20-30%. If you’ve relied solely on email and SMS marketing, it’s time to tap into the power of WhatsApp as a marketing channel. Additionally, your WhatsApp Business Service Provider should provide an analytics dashboard to track metrics such as delivery rate, response rate, failure rate, campaign ROI, and other vital analytics to gauge your WhatsApp marketing campaign’s performance.

3) Personalized and Engaging Messages:

WhatsApp allows you to bring back the personalization and high engagement of in-store experiences to your online interactions. With a variety of communication options like images, videos, gifs, and PDFs, you can segment your customers based on preferences and send customized messages to boost loyalty. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance and not overwhelm your customers with a constant stream of promotional messages. Educate and entertain your audience to maintain their interest in your brand.

To give you an idea of WhatsApp marketing message examples, here are a few templates you can use to generate leads and drive sales:

1. Festive Offers:

“Hey [customer name], The biggest online sale is here. This Diwali, get up to 60% OFF on Home and Kitchen Products. Shop now!”

2. Loyalty Programs:

“We are so glad that you chose to stick with us for over [5 years]. As a token of our gratitude, get 40% off on your next purchase with us. Cheers!”

3. Abandoned Cart Recovery:

“Hi [customer name], We noticed you added items to your cart but haven’t completed the purchase. Shop now to get your products! CTA- Complete order.”

4. Events:

“Hi [customer name], Hope to see you at the opening of our brand-new store at [location], on [date & time]. Click on Y to RSVP or STOP to opt-out.”

5. New Product or Service Announcement:

“Hey [customer name], The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here! Introducing our new range of

. It’s live on our website. Limited in number, get yours today before they’re gone!”

6. End-of-Season Sale:

“Hey there! The end-of-season sale is only 2 days away! Sale: up to 60% OFF on all categories. Starting from 1st Sept-30th Sept 2022.”

7. Flash Sale:

“30 June FLASH SALE (On limited products only) 30 Minutes | 30% OFF | 30 Brands.”

8. Secondary Reminder for a Sale:

“Hey [customer name], Our Christmas sale starts in 10 hours! Are you ready for it? If you’re among the first 10 shoppers tonight, you stand a chance to win exciting prizes! Take a look at our gift guide to see what’s in store for you.”

9. Free Delivery:

“Hey [customer name], Get free delivery when you shop for over [amount] at [brand name]. The offer ends at midnight. Shop now!”

10. VIP Deals:

“Hi [customer name], Want early access to our top sales? Join the coveted [VIPs club]! Click on ‘I WANT IN’ to sign up or STOP to opt-out.”

To send WhatsApp marketing message to unlimited users, it’s advisable to partner with a BSP (Business Service Provider) like Neeti Bots. They can help you set up your WhatsApp Business Platform at a nominal subscription fee and provide the necessary tools to create engaging content, drive sales, and enhance customer loyalty. Sign up with Neeti Bots today for a 15-day free trial and start leveraging the power of WhatsApp for your business!

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About Neeti Bots:

Neeti Bots, developed by Neeti Brand Accelerator, is an AI-powered chatbot for B2B and B2C websites. It helps businesses accelerate lead generation with an easy-to-build and automated chat interface.

 Neeti ChatBots engage visitors, reduce customer acquisition costs, decrease bounce rates, increase session time, and also enable new digital customer acquisition models.

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